Day Seven!

You guys….this is my favorite way to wake up:

in the tent

Seriously, I don’t know why we need houses in the summer.  I could totally live in a campground for the whole season!  And Holland Lake is where we landed this weekend.  We had a great fire last night, I made the two best roasted marshmellows I have ever had and we fell into our sleeping bags around 11.

After a breakfast of PopTarts for me and Aaron and a sausage over the fire for John (I really was not joking about dishes while camping!) we packed up the backpack for a hike up to Holland Falls.  This hike is fairly easy being very short even though you gain some vertical feet.  Here we are:

And here is the view from the trail looking down at Holland Lake:

Beautiful, I mean stupid beautiful, right?.  Sometimes I can’t believe I get to live here.  And right now especially I feel very AWARE of my circumstances.  I feel like I have had my head down plowing the same row for so long, my eyes hurt for the vividness I am finding now.

Once we got back down to the campground we spent the afternoon with our butts in the clear water of the lake:

Aaron and John

Then built the evening campfire:

And played about a million hands of Uno.  My ten year old asked me if I ever let him win at Uno when he was younger and, being a fairly honest parent, I answered yes.  He was very upset about the whole thing and then made me promise to never let him win again.  So I didn’t.  And he could not understand why he was not winning.  Then he actually said, “I used to win at Uno all the time”.  You could watch the understanding work its way into his brain as he figured out why he used to be so “good” at Uno.  So last year we learned the truth about Santa and this year the truth about Uno.  Man oh man, it sucks growing up!

Anyhoo, I am tucked tightly into my sleeping bag and scribbling away by the light of my headlamp.  Good night all, smile and breathe and we will talk again tomorrow xxoo

Day Six!

Super early and short post today!  Day #6 and we are headed camping :). However, a little different than we planned.  The hitch on my husbands truck is completely stuck and we did not realize that in time to get it fixed.  So instead of our trailer we will be “roughing” it in a tent.  Either is fine with me, but I HATE doing dishes when tent camping, so I foresee a lot of hotdogs over the fire for the next two days!

Anyway, I will not have any service, which is one of the best things about camping.  We will be focusing on Skip-Bo, Uno and Yahtzee instead of Fortnite and YouTube!  But I am prepared to retro-blog:

Roughing it!

My pen and paper is packed and I’ll be sure to catch up with you on Sunday evening.  Off I go into the Gap!  I hope you have a wonderful weekend!  Smile and breathe xxoo

Day Five!

Hey there, friends!  Happy Day #5!  Things are moving along (fairly) smoothly.

I spent part of the morning attempting to get the comment section of this blog up and running.  I chatted for a while with the GoDaddy team who, not surprisingly, said that it is a WordPress issue.  Tomorrow I will reach out to WordPress who will undoubtedly say that it is a GoDaddy issue.  But that’s okay, breathe and smile!

I am not good at this sort of thing.  When I encounter a problem that I cannot immediately address and fix, I can feel my heart rate rise, my hackles get up and let’s just say, I’m not in a happy place.  I understand that shit happens and that life is hardly ever smooth sailing, but I want things to work the way they are supposed to work.  I get a little indignant over the whole thing.  And I’m not sure why…..

It is possible that I have a minor (or major) control issue.  I want to know things, I want to control things and I want things, and people, to DO what I want them to DO.  I don’t relinquish control easily….and my husband just chimed in “ya think?”  I have been known to throw things, but no people yet, across the room when they give me trouble.  It does not solve anything, but hells bells, it feels so good!

So after I was totally bitchy to the poor woman at GoDaddy (she started it), I felt like having my laptop locked and loaded over my right shoulder.  But then calmer heads prevailed.  I realized that maybe tossing my Apple would not be the most productive action.  Maybe I should understand that bumps in the road are just bumps, not the road.  And maybe since I just quit my job I shouldn’t launch my $1200 investment across the living room.

So, smile and breathe (and maybe have a beer) and realize that 50% of it is out of my control, okay 70%, okay, okay 98% and that’s as far as I’ll go.  And as I relinquish control I also moseyed down to our local bar, the Northern, met my husband for a pitcher and controlled what I could.  Smile and breathe and remember to look up 🙂

Talk to you tomorrow, and hopefully soon you’ll be able to talk to me!  xxoo

At the Northern 🙂


Day Four!

Welcome back, friends!  I hope you had a beautiful day.  I had a day bookended with walks and an amazing afternoon with this crazy boy:

laying by our lovely local lake:

As you know, one of the biggest reasons for slowing down and backing off is to spend time with my kiddos.  I know you have only met one so far, but the other one is 17 and as soon as I see him again (probably next week sometime) you will get an introduction 🙂  But the little one and I had such a great day.  And I just have to share!

As we were driving through our town on the way to the beach, we spotted a man, on a scooter, wearing an avocado shirt.  And my little boy came up with a song that went a little something like this:  Old man, Driving a scooter, Wearing an avocado shirt, AVACADO!  Old man, Driving a scooter, Turning to the left, TO THE LEFT!

Now, I know it’s not in contention for a Grammy or anything, but these are the ridiculous, silly, spontaneous moments that I have been missing so, so much.  I had nothing to do today other than to learn this song and sing it at the top of my lungs with my 10 year old.  And I guarantee you, my friend, that it meant as much to him that his mom was letting him direct the day as it meant to me.

There really is no substitute for laughing and smiling.  Really, none.  I’m so glad I have surrendered to my Gap year because it’s only Day Four and I have never been more sure of the direction I am heading.  Smile and breathe and I’ll talk to you tomorrow xxoo





Day Three!

I was thinking on my bike ride home from the farmer’s market tonight about what am I going to do tomorrow.  It has been awhile since everyday was not:  get up, go to work, come home, make dinner, fall in bed.  And I was concerned about why anyone would want to read a blog about my Gap.  I am beginning to feel like this whole endeavor is very self serving.  But truly, when a teenager takes a gap year, many people don’t think twice.  I could be wrong, but it seems natural for a younger person to go out into the great unknown and discover the secrets about themselves before they enter the “real word.”  And we older folks are not afforded the same luxury.

So what it boils down to is that I am trying to figure out what the hell I am doing when I tell people I am entering the Gap.  What do I hope to find and how do I hope to find it?  And as I was riding home I remembered a time when I went to a family reunion without my small, immediate family.  My kiddos had been super busy during this time: both in baseball, I was working a ton, my husband was busy and I was always doing what had to be done next.  And when I woke up alone on vacation in a little cabin by myself, I was paralyzed.

I knew that I had six mornings all to myself.  Six mornings where I could go outside and talk to my aunts, uncles and cousins.  Six mornings where I could lay in bed and drink coffee.  Six mornings where I could go for a walk or run.  I did not HAVE to do anything and I had no idea what to do!  I was afraid of using up my six mornings doing something that was not EXACTLY the thing I wanted to do but I had no clue what I wanted to do.

I do the same thing when I get a gift certificate.  If I get a gift certificate from Target for $100, I will walk around the store, put something in my cart, change my mind, because I might not be in love with it, put something else in, decide I liked the first thing better, and stress that I am not spending my $100 in the best possible way.  My $100, my six mornings, they are finite.  They do not go on forever.  I have to make the best possible decisions.

But the fact is, all things are finite.  Every day we should be choosing how we want to spend our time.  Who we want to spend our time with.  And making the best possible decision.

So, my friends, after the lovely, mind-clearing bike ride home I have figured out that this year is about our finite-ness.  It’s my own new word.  And I will be spending my year finding things worthy of filling the finite.  And I’d like your help along the way.  Smile and breathe! xxoo

At Lake McDonald

Day Two

Good evening anyone who is out there!  I have a confession to make…..I did not mean to publish yesterday!  One wrong click of the button and I am suddenly online and starting my “official” year of the Gap.

But this is good; good to take the plunge.  I’m sure I would have posted eventually even without my fat fingers making the decision for me :). And as long as we have started, let’s keep rolling!

Speaking of taking a plunge, meet my youngest, Aaron:

Jumping In!

This sharp, witty kiddo will be eleven in September and keeps us on our toes.  He has such a smart sense of humor and a crazy strong will.  He will be going into middle school this fall (our middle school is 5-8th grades).  And getting to spend time with him is a major reason for the Gap!

Today I officially left my job, turning in my resignation letter.  I had been with the same company for many years and have watched an incredible amount of growth.  However, many factors were weighed in my decision to leave.  I would honestly, probably still be there if not for some issues out of my control, but I am looking at this loss of control as the Universe, or God, or however you see Fate telling me to slow down.

So today I got to go on walk with my good friend, Suzi,  I  got to eat lunch while watching Harry Potter with my boy, the coffee is set for the morning and dinner is simmering on the stove.  An evening bike ride is in my future and a little book reading before falling to sleep.  So thank you fat fingers, Universe, God, and Fate for realizing I would never fully relinquish control to the Gap.  Thanks for the shove.  Have a wonderful evening, breathe and smile and I’ll see you tomorrow

Day One!

My first post, how exciting (and terrifying, and exhilarating, and hopeful, and egotistical). I can’t help it.  I do think it is a little weird doing a blog about myself and TOTALLY self-indulgent.  But this is the year of self-indulgence.  This is my GAP YEAR!!

First a little history….I am Shani Lemens Anderson, a mom of two boys, 17 and 10.  And until recently I have been working for a small manufacturer in my beautiful town of Whitefish, Montana.  But since stepping out of my last role and before I enter a new one I have decided to take a Gap Year.  For those of you who do not know this term, it usually refers a year that students take between their high school and college experience.  So basically it is for 18 year olds to figure out their future….not 46 year olds trying to figure out their past, present and future!

I really did not plan on taking a year to myself (well, myself and my family, you’ll meet them later).  I am the type of person who moves forward all the time, like all the time.  If there were a word that I thought defined me it would be “Go”.  That’s it, just GO.  Forward, all the time.  If you are not moving forward, what the hell are you doing?  Wasting time, clogging the flow, dragging down the herd.  That has been my mindset.  Lately.

But I remember a younger mom, a mom who loved to hike, who needed yoga, who read for pleasure for hours on end.  Who had time to ask my kids questions and really listen to the answers.  Who wasn’t exhausted at the end of the day and who did not just try to get through dinner so that I could fall gratefully into bed.  This chick was pretty great and I miss her.  Here she is now:

at Red Ants Pants MusicFest!

Now I know that much of this may have to do with aging, but I’m not willing to believe that theory without doing the research.  So this is my research year.  If I am given the time, if I give myself the permission, can I find that center again, or is this high pressure, high stress life just what happens when you grow up and have to keep going?  What is going to happen when I stop running?  What is going to happen when almost every decision I make is purposeful and not necessary?  What is going to happen when I have time to do all the laundry?!  What is going to happen in the Gap?

I plan on blogging everyday (hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha), but a girl can dream!  This will be my very public, private journal for the next 365 days on finding center, finding balance, finding focus and finding myself.  Hells bells, if it’s good enough for an 18 year old, it’s good enough for me!  Thanks for visiting and please come back again tomorrow.  I have no idea what will be going on, but for the first time in awhile, I can’t wait to see!