Day Five!

Hey there, friends!  Happy Day #5!  Things are moving along (fairly) smoothly.

I spent part of the morning attempting to get the comment section of this blog up and running.  I chatted for a while with the GoDaddy team who, not surprisingly, said that it is a WordPress issue.  Tomorrow I will reach out to WordPress who will undoubtedly say that it is a GoDaddy issue.  But that’s okay, breathe and smile!

I am not good at this sort of thing.  When I encounter a problem that I cannot immediately address and fix, I can feel my heart rate rise, my hackles get up and let’s just say, I’m not in a happy place.  I understand that shit happens and that life is hardly ever smooth sailing, but I want things to work the way they are supposed to work.  I get a little indignant over the whole thing.  And I’m not sure why…..

It is possible that I have a minor (or major) control issue.  I want to know things, I want to control things and I want things, and people, to DO what I want them to DO.  I don’t relinquish control easily….and my husband just chimed in “ya think?”  I have been known to throw things, but no people yet, across the room when they give me trouble.  It does not solve anything, but hells bells, it feels so good!

So after I was totally bitchy to the poor woman at GoDaddy (she started it), I felt like having my laptop locked and loaded over my right shoulder.  But then calmer heads prevailed.  I realized that maybe tossing my Apple would not be the most productive action.  Maybe I should understand that bumps in the road are just bumps, not the road.  And maybe since I just quit my job I shouldn’t launch my $1200 investment across the living room.

So, smile and breathe (and maybe have a beer) and realize that 50% of it is out of my control, okay 70%, okay, okay 98% and that’s as far as I’ll go.  And as I relinquish control I also moseyed down to our local bar, the Northern, met my husband for a pitcher and controlled what I could.  Smile and breathe and remember to look up 🙂

Talk to you tomorrow, and hopefully soon you’ll be able to talk to me!  xxoo

At the Northern 🙂


One thought on “Day Five!

  1. Ha! You figured out how to add comments. Yippee. I’m always here to help you my friend. Shoot me a text anytime about a WordPress question. Most questions about WordPress are great to Google too. Lots of support because it’s open source.

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