Day Seventeen!

Even in the height of summer, a little work must fall.  All my friends in Northwestern Montana will understand the dilemma….we get around 10 beautiful, warm, sunny weeks a year.  And we are in the midst of it right now.  However my calendar today looked like this:

The struggle is real!  The great big ball of fire in the sky is telling me to play, but at some point we do have to get our clothes clean.  The younger one was in his swimsuit for 10 days straight!  So I gritted my teeth and got it done (mostly).  I was then able, with a clear conscious and clean clothes, to go to dinner at Stillwater Fish House here in Whitefish with new friends.

So, tomorrow is another day.  The sun should be shining and we will no longer be smelly :). And I get to pick up Aaron from sleep away camp!  I’ve missed him like crazy.  Breathe and smile and I’ll catch up with you again tomorrow….xxoo